Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND's Return-To-Work Following COVID-19
As of May 4, 2020, primary health care clinics and non-essential health care services are allowed to resume business but will be required to operate under strict guidelines related to physical distancing (50 per cent of regular business levels or one person per 10 square metres – whichever is lower) and cleaning practices.
Active Chiropractic & Wellness will be re-opening on May 4, 2020, however, the clinic will be operating under the new guidelines mandated by the province for the increased safety of the public and our practitioners following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The front door of the clinic will remain locked at all times, except to let in patrons for their scheduled appointments and/or to pick up their orders. For the initial weeks, patients will be required to wait in their vehicles or outside the clinic until the time of their appointment, or until someone can let you in. This is to limit the congestion in the waiting room, in order to be able to comply with physical distancing protocols that have been put in place.
Prior to entering the building, you will be asked the COVID-19 Screening Questions:
1. Do you have a fever and/or new onset of cough or difficulty breathing?
2. Have you travelled out of the province within the last 14 days?
3. Have you had any close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19?
What to Expect In the Office:
There will be tape on the floor indicating standing points. Please be aware of these markers, as they will be placed 6-feet apart from neighboring markers. We will also have ample hand sanitizers and facial tissues available for patient use in each treatment room and at the front desk.
Expect to see our staff and practitioners in masks and/or gloves. (You may not see it right away, but we will be all smiles behind those masks!)
Upon entering the clinic, you will see a plexiglass barrier at our receptionist desk, as well as plastic-wrapped point-of-sale devices, to ensure the safety of our reception staff. Dr. Jasper continues to encourage her patients to use contactless payment options, such as e-transfer or credit card. We can also facilitate “tap” of debit or credit cards, and we can accept personal cheques. Sorry, but we are not accepting cash at this time.
Work and service areas, as well as the washroom facility, will be sanitized after every patient. We encourage you to only use the washroom onsite if absolutely necessary.
For the time being, our water coooler will not be available to our patients. Please bring your own water bottle for your personal consumption.
Booking Appointments and Supplement Orders:
Dr. Jasper will continue to offer and encourage that patients primarily book telemedicine appointments (phone consults, and video appointments via www.doxy.me). These communication platforms will allow us to safely interact with each other and continue the flattening of the curve of Covid-19. Diagnostic testing services will continue to be offered as well. Bowen, acupuncture, and vitamin B12 injections can now be booked directly through Dr. Jasper, however scheduling will be limited. All appointments should be booked directly through Dr. Jasper (send an email, call her mobile or leave a message at the clinic.) Dr. Jasper will send an email invite for your video consult once you have agreed to a date.
Supplements & other supplies (such as test kits) are still available to patients in a variety of ways. Dr. Jasper will continue to offer personal deliveries (whenever possible), pick up at the clinic (appointment only), Canada Post shipments, and Fullscript direct-to-patient orders. Whenever possible, you are encouraged to speak directly with Dr. Jasper regarding your personal orders (email is preferred, or text your name and request/call in to Dr. Jasper's mobile 204-770-8531). You may also speak with the front desk at the clinic about your order. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO NOT DROP INTO THE CLINIC UNEXPECTEDLY TO BOOK APPOINTMENTS OR TO ORDER SUPPLEMENTS.
Please allow us some flexibility, as these guidelines may continue to develop over the coming weeks. There will likely be some kinks as we all continue to navigate this new world.
We look forward to seeing and hearing from you!