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COVID-19 (Previous Updates)

Writer's picture: Dr. Deirdre Jasper NDDr. Deirdre Jasper ND

Updated March 24, 2020


Naturopathic Practice Closure For Non-Essential Services Amid The Covid-19 Pandemic 


As of March 24, 2020, all non-essential in-clinic services for Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND will be cancelled until further notice. This is following recommendations by the Manitoba Naturopathic Association late yesterday evening. This includes ALL services recommended by Dr. Jasper, including consultations, treatments (Bowen and acupuncture), and vitamin B12 intra-muscular injections. 

Dr. Jasper will continue to offer telemedicine appointments (phone consults, and video appointments via These services will be available to ALL patients (new patients and established patients) until further notice. Diagnostic testing services will continue as long as laboratories are still running.  

Supplement & test kit pick ups at the clinic can be scheduled directly with Dr. Jasper. Be advised, that some items prescribed can be ordered online either by Dr. Jasper (using Fullscript) or by the patient (various sites), for direct-to-patient delivery. Please be aware that certain supplements are currently in high-demand globally and on back-order given the current pandemic (i.e. certain immuno-supportive vitamins, minerals and herbs). Many manufacturers are reducing their hours, production, and as a result this is impacting access to their products. 

For supplement pick-ups at the clinic, the following protocol will be applied: 

  • Pre-screening questions for patients BEFORE entering the clinic:  

a) Do you or anyone in your household have any of the following symptoms: cold or flu-like symptoms, such as a cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, weakness or headache , or difficulty breathing? 

b) Have you travelled internationally within the last 14 days (outside Canada)?  

c) Have you had close contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case?  

d) Have you had close contact with a person with acute respiratory illness who has been outside Canada in the last 14 days?  

  • Use alcohol-based hand-sanitizer before entering premise 

  • Maintain 2m/6ft distance from any staff or other people 

  • Pre-pay for supplements using credit card or e-transfer to Dr. Jasper 

The best thing we ALL can do in the current pandemic is stay home and practice social distancing. If you have no choice but to venture out, avoid crowds and maintain at least 2m/6ft distance from people, consider wearing disposable vinyl gloves, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer regularly, wipe frequently touched surfaces regularly, and contact your local health authority if you feel you are potentially exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. 

Here are some helpful sites to refer to regarding COVID-19: 

Be well & stay safe, 

Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND 



Updated: March 18, 2020


ATTENTION: Patients of Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND


Dear patients,


As of March 18, 2020, Active Chiropractic & Wellness will be CLOSED for an undetermined length of time—we are taking it one week at a time. This closure comes after recommendations from some of the professional associations for our practitioners.


As of March 19, 2020, I will be returning to Winnipeg from a week-long trip to Arizona. I will be taking measures to adhere to recommendations from the Canadian government and healthcare authorities to self-isolate for 14-days, following traveling abroad during the current pandemic of Covid-19.


As of March 23, 2020, I will be working remotely outside of Winnipeg, available only to established patients for consultation by phone. See contact options below.


Patients requiring supplements will need to contact me personally by email or via my website: SUPPLEMENT REFILLS.

In some cases, I may be able to coordinate shipments of supplements directly to your home through online platforms such as Fullscript, or via drop-ship service directly from the supplement companies. There will be challenges in refilling certain medicines that require me to to mix it personally (e.g. tinctures, powders, etc.) After Thursday, March 19, 2020, I will not have regular access to my supplement room. That said, I may drive back to Winnipeg periodically to check on things at the clinic and gather up necessary items (wearing protective gear, of course.) The other matter of concern is whether the Canadian postal service and other related shipping companies will continue to conduct business as usual.

Disruptions to my services as of March 18, 2020, and through until at least April 2, 2020, will include the following: • New patient consultations • Follow up visits at the clinic • Acupuncture treatments • Bowen treatments • Physical examinations • Picking up or dropping off items at the clinic


Please note that I hope to return to work at the office Friday, April 3, 2020, but at this point we are taking everything week by week. You may be contacted regarding rescheduling your appointment(s). If your health concern is urgent, I will understand if you feel the need to seek another Naturopathic Doctor or see a medical doctor. I can’t be sure which naturopathic clinics will continue to remain open in these times. You can find a listing of other practitioners here: MNA Member Directory

Please reconsider going in public for any reason if you are exhibiting ANY of the following symptoms: • Fever • Cough • Difficulty breathing • Runny nose • Sore throat


If you think you may have COVID-19, or require more informal, please read this:


I hope that you understand I am self-isolating as a precaution. At this time, I am not exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. The decision to close the clinic came only today from other staff members at Active Chiropractic & Wellness and they all have my FULL support in carrying out this difficult decision. We all have patients with pre-existing health conditions that would be considered vulnerable (should I be a symptom-free COVID-19 carrier and potentially put them at risk.) I care very much about my patient’s well-being and I look very forward to returning to business as usual! (Don’t we all!)


If you have any questions about appointments, supplements, test results or anything else related to your care please do not hesitate to reach out: 1. Email: 2. Website: Contact Information Page 3. Facebook: Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND 4. Mobile: established patients may contact me by text (email me for details)


Please stay tuned for further updates as I am sure there will be more to come.


Thank you to all my wonderful patients for your understanding in these uncertain times. I appreciate your patronage, and wish you all the best of health.


~Dr. Jasper (ND)



Announcement: March 16, 2020


Dear patients of Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND at Active Chiropractic & Wellness,


Dr. Jasper (ND) is committed to her patients in delivering safe and natural health care and supporting the wellness of our community.


In light of the recent pandemic we want to ensure our patients that we are taking extra measures to maintain a safe environment at our clinic:


1. Hygiene practices in common areas and treatment spaces will be maintained according to professional hygiene standards;

2. For established patients, phone consultations (I.e. telemedicine) will continue to be offered for those that choose not to come directly to the clinic;

3. Fees for late cancellations and missed appointments will be waived in case of illness or other related complications;

4. Staff, including Dr. Jasper (ND) will take appropriate precautions to isolate/quarantine themselves when necessary.


Please understand that these measures are taken with public safety at the forefront of our minds. In these cases, we will be happy to either reschedule or move to a telemedicine format.

We ask that as a patron to Active Chiropractic and Wellness/ Dr. Jasper (ND), that before entering the clinic you do the following:

A) Wash your hands with soap and water;

B) Use available hand sanitizer;

C) Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, mouth (and if you do, wash or sanitize after immediately);

D) Cough/sneeze into a tissue or into your inner elbow/sleeve;

E) Remain at home if you are exhibiting symptoms of any communicable illness such as those of COVID-19.



We ask that you follow health authority statements for updates regularly. Please be reminded that healthcare providers and authorities are working tirelessly to contain the spread of the virus. Although many public services and access may be temporarily disrupted, please maintain decorum and stay calm.


Dr. Jasper (ND) will remain available to her patients for questions and concerns related to COVID-19, as well as their general care.

Thank you for your continued patronage,


Dr. Deirdre Jasper ND

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