An initial visit with Dr. Jasper will range from 60 to 90 minutes. She will take an in-depth health history and may perform a complaint-oriented physical examination or use various diagnostics (such as reviewing lab results) to assist in making an assessment and diagnosis. In some cases, Dr. Jasper may recommend further testing or information-gathering (e.g. tracking diet, body temperature, blood pressure) to assist in reaching a diagnosis and formulating a personalized health plan.
Many of the natural medicines suggested in your treatment plan are available for purchase at Dr. Jasper’s clinic. Occasionally supplements will be custom-ordered or patients will be directed to the proper source for their health care needs.
At least 1 business day prior to your first appointment, you will be required to submit the appropriate intake forms. Adult patients, aged 16 and over, should fill out the "Adult Intake Package". For children, aged 15 and under, please fill out the "Child Intake Package." For new patients ONLY interested in Acupuncture or Bowen Treatments, please fill out the "Acupuncture or Bowen" forms. These forms may also be picked up at the clinic, faxed, emailed, or mailed to you. Please understand that it is in the patient's best interest to provide this detailed health information prior to your initial visit, so that Dr. Jasper may prepare for your consultation. You may return the intake forms by email, fax, mail, or by dropping them off at the clinic (see Contact page for details.) For electronic transmission of intake forms, be sure you read the E-mail Policy.
Please be courteous and call to reschedule within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time. A fee will be charged for appointments not rescheduled or canceled less than 24 hours from your scheduled appointment time. For out-of-town consultations, the initial consultation must be completed in the office. Once established, follow-up consultations may be accommodated by telephone.